Tuesday, October 1, 2013

RS: House of Order

We had wanted to start the year off talking about getting our homes in order and share our favorite tips on how to clean, organize and cook.
We had a 10-15 minute presentation by a sister in the ward about the importance of keeping our homes clean and organized, using D&C 9:8 as our guide. Then we opened it up to all the women and had them each give their own ideas. We provided notebooks and pencils for the sisters to write down all the ideas.
We had a great time and a good turn out. We got a lot of great ideas too.
We served fruit and veggies and hot cocoa afterward.

Here are some of the ideas that were mentioned:

-Use ice trays/egg cartons to store your earrings
-use a yard stick and panty hose to clean under the fridge, dryer and oven
-store throw up buckets under everyones bed
-Use hotel plastic ice buckets for throwing up in the car- take bottled water to rinse it out
-Laundry baskets for each kid. Fold, put way and put back.
-Use a cotton ball in tips of cleaning gloves for when you are wearing long nails.
   -used dryer sheets on blinds
   -dip socks in vinegar and wipe slats
   -Pledge wipes for each slat

-Use dryer sheets for water spots
-"If you don't fold laundry you have no business putting a new load in"
-Barbie doll hair: downy fabric softener with some water- saturate the hair and comb through.
-Magic Erasers- put pieces in toilet and let sit over night for stains
-Set timer- work 1 hour then do leisure activity
-Burnt stuff in a pan: baking soda and cover pan with water. Let sit over night.
-After peeling an onion rub your hands on your faucet or any metal- it helps get rid of the smell
-Fold sheets together (in thirds) flat, fitted and a pillow case, then put them all inside the other pillowcase
-Washing walls- use a humidifer with hot water in it. It will steam the walls and then you can wipe them down.
-Put house to bed- clean kitchen and put toys away before going to bed.
-Painting- take roller and wrap in plastic bag and freeze when needing to stop painting for a while.
-Don't let kids do anything until chores are done, if they whine/complain then add 3 more chores
-Use a stapler remover to open key ring or dog tags
-Junk mail- don't let it come into the house. Throw it away before entering.
-Plastic drawers- drawer for each child; fundraiser, mail, school papers, teacher stuff, etc.
-Use hairspray to remove sharpie
-Make a Saturday to do list- first ones up get to choose first.
-Use a kitchen scrubber filled with 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 dish soap and keep in shower- clean while you are showering.

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