Thursday, October 3, 2013

RS: Chat and Chocolate

In February we had a Chat and Chocolate activity.
Held in the Cultural Hall.  Folding chairs were arranged in a semi-circle with a walk-way in-between the two sections of the semi-circle.  A big poster was up front listing the Chocolate Code. A microphone on a stand was set up front next to a small table.  On the small table was a large bowl with lots of  fun-size candy bars.  Each candy bar represented something in the life of each person.

Chocolate Code

Almond Joy – What brings you Joy?

Crunch – What did you do in a crisis/crunch?

Snickers – Share an embarrassing/funny story.

100 Grand – What would you do with a $100 Grand?

The large bowl was passed around and each person was to take one candy bar.  Whoever is conducting explains the program and then should be the first one to state which candy bar she chose and why.  The sisters did not see the poster until after they had chosen their candy bar.

After each sister shared then we had chocolate and white chocolate fondue with fruit, pretzels, angel food cake, cinnamon bears, marshmallows, etc. for them to dip. Then they just chatted.
We had the YW join us and it was lots of fun hearing what each sister shared.

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